Thursday, November 11, 2010
Chaim Koppelman Selections from Memorial Exhibition Now Showing
Chaim Koppelman (1920-2009)
Prints, Paintings, Pastels, Sculpture
Note: The Chaim Koppelman Memorial Exhibition at the Terrain Gallery closed on Oct. 16. However, selections from this large exhibition will continue to be on view on the 2nd floor of the Aesthetic Realism Foundation, 141 Greene Street, NYC 10012.
The pastel on the right "Napoleon Seeing," is one of many works the artist did during his whole career about the meaning of Napoleon for him. Napoleon, Eli Siegel explained, put opposites--the emperor and the democrat together, which is just what the artist wanted to do himself.
Current, exciting exhibition! Click below for announcement of--
At the Terrain Gallery now.